1. Barb R. – Benefits of Laser Treatment for Morton’s Neuroma

    Prior to laser treatment, I could not exercise, walk with my family, and was unable to enjoy social events. Standing for more than 10 minutes would mean I had to sit with my foot elevated for hours. I…Read More

  2. Lynn M. – Benefits of Laser Treatment for Morton’s Neuroma

    My initial visit with Dr. Bocian resulted in a diagnosis of Morton’s Neuroma with a discomfort level of 9 (on a scale of 1-10).  It felt like I was walking on wadded up tissue paper for at least on…Read More

  3. James E. – GenesisPlus Laser Treatment for Plantar Fasciitis

    About a year ago I got very severe plantar fasciitis in my left foot. On a scale of 1 to 10 the pain was a 10. It hurt when I walked, played golf, bowled it was extreme pain. Previous treatment includ…Read More

  4. Peg M.- Benefits of Laser Treatment for Morton’s Neuroma

    On September 14, 2016 I visited Dr. Bocian because I was having extreme pain in my left foot.  It was painful walking, standing and even as I sat.  I had had to restrict or eliminate my daily activi…Read More

  5. Patty S.- Benefits of Laser Treatment for Morton’s Neuroma

    Sometime before September of 2014, I began having excruciating pain in the lower of area of my 2nd toe.  The pain was so excruciating, it would literally stop me in my tracks.  I couldn’t walk, co…Read More