I became a patient of Dr. Bocian and in April 2015 after being referred by my primary care provider. I had been living with pain from a large plantar fibroma on my right foot for 2 years. The pain had been increasing over the prior 6 months, which caused me to change my lifestyle to avoid jogging, standing for extended time and long hikes. Since February 2015, I would a wake with painful cramping of the right foot in greater toe and would need to spend several minutes stretching before I could walk comfortably.

I have had plantar fibroma surgically removed from my left foot twice in years prior to this occurrence in my right foot. Both times my only options were to live with it or surgically remove it. I didn’t care for the long, painful and troublesome recovery from the surgery so I avoided going back to the doctor for this new fibroma. After Dr. Bocian explained the option of laser treatment versus surgery, I was still hesitant about the treatment but I did not want to repeat the surgery route of treatment again. So I decided to give laser treatment a try.

The first 3 laser treatments were uncomfortable at times but Natasha was very quick and skillful at easing the pain. With each further treatment, I noticed that the morning cramping and pain was disappearing and the nodules were getting softer and smaller. By the end of the treatment plan, I was not having any pain or discomfort in my right foot. The only time I had discomfort was after walking barefoot and stepped on a rock right on the fibroma. It did hurt for a few moments.

Since finishing the treatment in July 2015 I’ve not had any pain or cramping of the right foot. My wife and I have gone on long and hard hikes with no discomfort to me. I still have the nodules, but they are softer and smaller. I’m very happy that I took this path for treatment. I knew from the outset that Dr. Bocian could not promise the fibroma would go away but the pain and discomfort did.

Thank you Dr. Bocian and Natasha (laser technologist).

Cameron E., RT(R)
Tucson, AZ