I told Dr. Bocian I was experiencing pain on the arch of my left foot.

He sent me for a diagnostic ultrasound and explained I had Plantar Fibromatosis. He suggested I try a fairly new laser treatment. I elected to follow his advice and get the laser treatment rather than having surgery to remove the fibromas.

My foot was so sensitive Dr. Bocian could barely touch it without me jumping out of my chair. Honestly, I was a little skeptical. The first treatment was awful and left me in tears. I was not looking forward to the remaining treatments but knew I had to go through with them due to the pain I was experiencing and the affect it was having on my quality of life.

With each treatment, my foot was getting better and there was less and less pain. By the ninth treatment I was 100% better, the laser worked wonderfully and I couldn’t be happier.

I’m so glad I continued the treatment each week. I am back to dancing and getting my quality of life back.

When I went back to get my follow-up diagnostic ultrasound at University of Arizona Medical Center, the tech remembered me and told me she couldn’t believe the difference. She said when she did my first ultrasound, I would pull my foot away and now she was able to press on my foot and there was no pain.

I want to thank Dr. Bocian and Natasha for being so patient with me. My treatments took longer than normal due to the sensitivity of my foot and they had to keep stopping. I would recommend this treatment to anyone experiencing Plantar Fibromatosis and to not get discouraged after the first treatment! It gets better! Thank you again!

Juanita R.
Tucson, AZ